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Bridge the language gap with Timekettle

TimeKettle W4 Pro AI

AI Interpreter Earbuds 399 CHF

Buy Now - 399 CHF

W4 Pro AI Interpreter Earbuds

The W4 Pro AI Interpreter Earbuds are more than just a device – they are your personal global business assistant, help to communicate in onsite or online communications, and summarize post-meeting notes, the W4 Pro earbuds are by your side every step of the way, empowering efficient business collaborate communication, ushering in a new era of seamless global business interactions.


Cross-Language Communication, Real-Time Interpreting Playback

Effortlessly transition through three modes for global business interactions, ensuring fluid communication in every scenario. Embrace effortless cross-language connectivity with the W4 Pro AI Interpreter Earbuds, empowering your business needs with ease.

Timekettle WT2 Edge/W3 Real-time Translator Earbuds

Up to 40-Person Multilingual Remote Group Chat

Without the limitation of location, it supports up to forty people speaking forty different languages at once, making it ideal for Zoom calls and remote meetings, even when your business spans the globe.

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329.00 CHF

Product Rendergraph 01

Timekettle Fluentalk T1 Translation Device

Converse in 82 different languages. Sleek design with large touchscreen that provides a text translation for additional clarity.

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329.00 CHF

Timekettle M3 Translation Device

Timekettle M3 Translation Device

Start a world of conversation. This robust, portable instant voice translator device comes with global unlimited cellular data for 2 years with no monthly fees

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179.00 CHF

Timekettle M3 Translation Device 1
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Reseller Programme

Timekettle is a language translation company that offers translation devices in real time. We offer a reseller program for individuals or companies

To become a reseller of Timekettle, you can follow the link below.

Timekettle Translation Devices

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